Monday, March 12, 2012

Project 3: Waste: Proposal

    Materials: Ceram wrap, clear packaging tape, pill bottles (prescription, off the shelf)

Project: Make a “tape man” life size and fill it with pill bottles. Position and level filled to with bottle to be determined. 
Would like to either have the tape man ripping his stomach or torso open and having the bottles fall out. 
OR have the pill bottles visibly being regurgitated starting from the ‘waist’ (possible name pun?) up through the 
esophagus trail and through to the mouth. Either position would have bottles scattered around the feet of the tape man.

Why: To go off of my last project dealing with entheogens, illegal drugs used for spiritual context. These easily accessible shelf and prescription drugs are consumed and even wasted with pills/liquid still left if not desirable for abuse. The bottles, which are produced to seal and protect the various drugs are usually disposed, not recycled or used for a different, more efficient reason. This sculpture/instillation is showing not only how we can use this “waste” in a different way, but also making a political statement on our consumption/waste of legal drugs.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nature Paragraph: Thoughts and Connections


    When I think of nature I don’t think of trees and being submerged in the wilderness by myself as most people seem to. Instead I think of enjoying it as it comes weather negative or positive. When I’m walking on my way to class and feel obligated to stop and observe the sky or a deer passing by I think it’s magical. Often I’ll be walking along the cement sidewalk listening to my ipod when these moments occur. This is what makes it even more special…’s unexpected and forces me out of my man made world for a moment to appreciate it.
     Occasionally when I do feel a desire to be submerged in nature I don’t want to take the traditional hike or climb. I want to be on the water. During the summer my favorite place to be is out on a small motorized boat off a quiet coast of Lake Michigan. I like to go far enough to not hear the sounds of car’s or people’s voices being carried, but close enough to observe the coast. Personally I don’t feel the need to eliminate all technology to appreciate nature.
        When I think of nature I think of it’s beauty even through destruction. Over the summer I watched as a red and white lightening rolled in over the water towards my town. With high speed winds and harsh rainfall it storm caused damage to our town, but I still loved watching how beautiful it was despite the destruction. Overall nature is unpredictable with it’s changing moods and surprises yet constant with it’s cycles. To me this is what makes is so exciting, interesting, and intriguing.  

Project 2: Entheogenic: Process & End Result

Drawing on torn, brown paper with pencil:

The Inking Process:

Presented to Class:

 Still in the workings, Cutting out & Experimenting:

Ideally I would like to see this piece in a gallery space carefully articulated with string running through it. 
So far I only have it cut out, which caused the paper to shrivel even after ironing. To solve this I might have to paint layers of acylic paint onto the back or maybe mount my piece. I just don't want to loose that delicate space I cut out, which makes it more than a drawing due to the shadows it creates.